Digital Impressions
Creating the perfect impression isn’t only necessary when you meet your partner’s parents! An accurate impression of your teeth is very important in dentistry. It is how we create crowns and veneers that are comfortable and effective. With the 3M True Definition scanner, no longer will you have to take an impression by filling your mouth with goop and waiting for what feels like an indefinite amount of time for it to be removed. This technologically advanced system creates a precise, accurate impression of your mouth using an intraoral wand and a simple scan of your mouth. Making your dental visit easier and more comfortable.
No Syringe
The majority of people say that their largest dental fear is the needle. That is why Gotham Dental uses The STA system. This electric novocaine dispensing device is clinically proven for improved delivery of anesthetic and higher patient comfort levels. The dosage is highly localized so that there is a minimal amount of numbing necessary to your face and lips. This way you don’t have to plan your whole day around a numb mouth.
Infrared Cavity Detection
Since digital radiographs require about a sixth of the radiation, patient exposure is greatly reduced.In addition, Gotham Dental’s CariVu machine uses harmless infrared light (the same light your remote uses to control your tv) for early and accurate cavity detection.
Digital X-Rays
Gotham Dental uses a highly advanced digital radiographs system and keeps digital records. Digital radiographs are captured by a sensor, not film. The images are much sharper and smaller fillings can be discovered before they grow into larger treatments.